Friday 19 January 2018

Fuck silence, shout sex

The other day, I was talking with a friend about pornography and its macho connotations; and when we were debating I felt strange, I was in an unusual situation: Two people talking about sex. Nowadays, in this society, the sex is a taboo topic, but, Why? According to a study by StatisticBrain, on average, the domestic couples (between 18 and 39 ages) have 126 sexual relationships per year and more than half of population masturbate with a daily period.  So, on the basis of the data, Why do the people avoid this kind of topics in the conversations?

First of all, we need to go to the origin, religion. Before the expansion of the main religions around the world, the sex was a natural topic, without connotations. But, with the growth of the religions, they expanded, at the same time, two ideas: Sex is only for reproduction and masturbate is a sin. After that, the people felt embarrassed by talk about this topic, and this attitude has survived to the present.

That was mingled with the macho`s thought of the purity of the women (her virginity), the sexual problems, and the different sexual preferences. And more recently with the sexual diseases and the state of sexual repression. Theses facts are the set of causes of the actual situation and are so introduced in the social thoughts, that now it´s very difficult to change them.

Also, in the present, we support this situation. The parents don´t speak openly about sex; the children haven´t got enough sexual education and their model to follow are the actual macho pornography. What causes lot of actual problem: Rapes, sexually transmitted diseases, teenage pregnancy, guilt after masturbation,…

Who would have thought that the sexual repression could originate many problems? Because of that, I think talking openly about sex is one of the best things that we can do to eliminate theses problems. Now, play your part in this and talk about sex like you talk about football, politic or friends.

As a postscript, I recommend you this website: I don´t say anymore.😉

- Manuel GarcĂ­a.


  1. Thank you so much for sharing with us and talking about this important topic. I agree with you that breaking with the stigma that surrounds anything related to sex or sexuality is necessary in our society. So many problems, such STIs and STDs would (potentially) be reduced.
    I will keep in mind your advice and try and introduce sex in conversations in order to normalise it. I believe it´s also one of the ways of endind with gender inequalities as both male and female can enjoy it. Definitely being more open about sex can help end rape culture and "male domination" plus it can be really beneficial in terms of safe sex.
    Maybe we could try and organise some sex education talks at school?

  2. I think you are right in every way, I really appreciate that you are talking about this issue because not lots of people do it and I think it is really important to talk about sex so that we can avoid sex related problems. Thank you very much!

  3. First of all, congratulations. I really think this is an interesting post that covers an unusual topic.

    I agree with you that sex is taboo and it shouldn't be like that, but I have to recognize I don't do enough to get rid of this social convention.

    Your post made me think and from now on I will try to transform this topic into another common topic such us cinema or books.


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