Friday 19 January 2018

What we are suposed to be

It is obvious that social media has won an essential role in everyday life. Today, almost every one has an account on Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp…, and we usually spend at least one hour looking for things that may interest us, watching others profile, or maybe just trying to know if our crush has a new bae😉.

Apart from that, and all the funny and entertaining side of social networking, there is a very big problem (in my opinion) with the impact that social media has sometimes on people. I mean, it is common and understandable to try to look like the people we like, or to try to have more attention and be a little bit more “influencer”, we all do that ! But when it comes to self-confidence, sometimes, it is like a pill of stereotypes which make people feel accomplished.

We all have to look good, wear similar clothes, listen to trending music, be fit… But that’s imposible, because if we were all the same, life would be the most boring thing in the World !

I don’t mean I am against the people who have succeed on social media or people who admire them. I am just trying to say that, sometimes, instead of imagine who would we want to be, we should try to focus on ourselves. We all are humans, we all have two arms and two legs, a nose, two eyes… But we will be always marveously unique, and that’s fantastic !

Why do we have to follow hashtags? We do we have to be obsessed with a like and the other’s approoval? Why can’t we just try to be focused more on real life than on something that isn’t even palpable? Come on, let’s give ourselves a chance !!!!

-Alejandro Sánchez Molina.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow! Great!
    I´m totally agree with this post. We don´t have to let hashtags or influencer guide our life. We are unique and perfectly imperfect. We shouldn´t change with what society thinks is the correct stereotype. A monotonous world is really boring.

    I really enjoyed this post and i hope people reflect about what you have written.


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